1. Without a doubt the people in the picture are the people I like (and love) the most.
2. Autumn
3. my rusty can in the window
4. the view from my kitchen
5. cats with static fur
6. hikes in the mountains
7. friends
8. my book club
9. my writing groups
10. good books
11. good movies
12. walks with friends
13. walks with my husband
14. seeing the view from my house that's being built
15. my new studio
16. artists
17. funny stories
18. lunch with good friends
19. seeing pheasants outside my window
20. hearing sandhill cranes
21. seeing sandhill cranes mating dance
22. Yellowstone National Park (and Silver Gate)
23. Grouse Creek, Utah
24. The Rock Quarry (in G.C. Utah)
25. Comfortable socks
26. Music (all kinds)
27. Easter egg hunts
28. Memories
29. The Art Barn at USU
30. Good teachers
31. Words
32. People that think for themselves
33. Avon, Colorado
34. Leadville, Colorado
35. Christmas stockings
36. Good food
37. Swedish pancakes
38. Sunday visits
39. Zomig
40. Life
41. Old barn wood
42. email
43. cell phones
44. The INternet
45. My Laptop
46. The web cam in Cooke City, Montana
47. Forced air heaters
48. My natural gas fireplace
49. Trees that grow fast
50. wildflowers--all kinds
51. the color yellow
52. Sunshine
53. Creative people
54. photographs
55. Word processors
56. Publishers
57. People who read books
58. People who keep up with world events
59. Democrats
60. People who recycle
61. My blue recycle bin
62. My bicycle
63. comfortable shoes
64. fleece
65. Pi
66. Ketchikan, Alaska
67. Greasy food
68. Antacids
69. old garages
70. Old houses and old buildings.
71. The Paradise Church house with the decorated chapel
72. DUP lunches
73. People who like me
74. People who drop by unexpected
75. People who smile
76. Love
77. Poets
78. People who get me
79. Family parties
80. People who ask questions
81. Sunsets
82. Sunrises
83. Seasons
84. spring flowers
85. Satin pillowcases
86. mountain smells
87. views from the top of the mountain
88. flannel shirts (on men, mostly my husband)
89. cowboy hats (ditto)
90. romantic comedies
91. The Seventies
92. Mr. Bird's art class
93. craftsman
94. fresh snow
95. Our private bird refuge
96. the sage grouse Lek in G.C.
97. characters (these are people who defy convention)
98. colored shirts in church
99. facial hair on men :) Not on myself!
100. Logan Main street
That was too easy. I love lots of things and could go on forever. I hope this Thanksgiving season you will consider all the blessings and things you enjoy. Life is so full.
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